Trip to Třebíč / Výlet do Třebíče

Hello guys,

 last Friday it was a public holiday here in the Czech republic so it was a day off. Me and my bf decided to make a trip to Třebíč on his motorbike. We went to see the jewish quarter and the almost 800 hundred years old basilica there. After all that stress, noise and exertion at work in Prague it was the best relaxation. I have really a lot to learn at work and also the new environment including new place to live (understand the hotel). I guess I definitely am the classic country girl who doesn´t like the big big city with all those strange people, underground, angry drivers and noise. I can´t wait until those two months here are over and I will be able to go back home.

What kind of relaxation cleans your head the best?



 minulý pátek, ve sváteční den, jsme se přítelem vypravili na motorce do Třebíče podívat se do židovské čtvrti a taky na baziliku ze 13. století. Po všem tom stresu, hluku a vypětí v Praze to byl perfektní odpočinek. Musím říct, že v práci je to náročné, spousta nových věcí k zapamatování, co se musíme učit a taky to úplně nové prostředí. Asi budu klasické děvče z dědiny, protože mi to veliké město, se spoustou hodně divných lidí, "šalinou, co jezdí pod zemí", nerudnými řidiči a hlukem, vůbec ale vůbec nesedí. Nemůžu se dočkat až mi ty dva měsíce tady skončí a budu se moct vrátit na moji milovanou Moravu.

A jak se nejlíp čistí hlava vám?

Mohlo by se vám líbit

1 komentářů

  1. Hello Eve!
    Such a lovely post, thanks for sharing this. A little trip is a great idea for cleansing your head. Today I went to nearest park and enjoyed the summer sun with a good book. That relaxes me.

    Totally, he is a very handsome man with lots of talent ^^ (Henry Cavill)
    At the beginning I actually found it annoying that all stores was closed on Sundays, but now I actually love and appreciate it :))
    Take care,

    Johanna, Sweden


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