I'm sorry, there´s absolutely nothing new here, but I would like to thank you for coming here to take a look anyway.
Last week I said to myself it was time to disrupt everyday´s routine (understand coming to my hotel room and falling on the bed) and I went to take a look around to the Prague´s city center. Where else could I head - of course to the biggest shopping center. I bought a new bag and also a little something for the joy of feeling good and as a reward. I had a great company of my friend who stays in Prague and after we dug into Palladium (which by the way, did not address me even the least), we sat in a café or bakery Paul and had two great macaroons and an excellent ice tea. I would like to thank her this way once more for having me that day (because I know you come here;))
I admit I hate being in Prague over this summer and I realize that many of you would do anything to spend the summer there, but I can´t wait to return to Brno in September and start working from there. Anyway, when I´m in Prague I had planned to go to the Marilyn Monroe exhibition, so if you have already seen it I will be glad for any feedback or review of it.
7 komentářů
Já se do Prahy na výlet vždy těším, ale po dni stráveném tam se hrozně těším domů.. :D nevím jestli bych si tam zvykla :)
OdpovědětVymazatJak vidíš, Klárko, ani já si ve městě ne a ne zvyknout. Hlavně rodina a přítel chybí, Nemyslela jsem si, že jsem takový dománek, ale už to asi tak bude... :(
VymazatDo Palladia se vždycky hrozně těším, ale ve finále tam pro mě těch obchodů není moc "použitelných". :-) Ať ti to tam rychle uteče a už jsi zas v našem "malém" Brně.
OdpovědětVymazatjá jedu do Prahy v úterý! A šíleně se těším! :)) A aspon vim že do Palladia nemám chodit...
OdpovědětVymazatDo Prahy si ráda zajedu na výlet, ale Brno mám mnohem radši :-)) Máš krásné šatky!
OdpovědětVymazatDo Prahy bych jela hned, už kvůli PAULovi a jeho makronkám!! Těm se nic nevyrovná :)
OdpovědětVymazatthank you ! u look great! congrats for graduating!i would also be happy if a new job would find me so congrats on this also :) so a new life begins and we will make it honey:)wish u all the best!!kisses
OdpovědětVymazatDěkuju za všecky komentáře. / Thanks for all your comments.